
Jaime BanksWelcome. Maybe you saw JaimeAstin fishing, biking, hiking, driving, traveling, or worked with him… Maybe you do not know of him at all. JaimeAstin is known by many people online as a kayak fisherman that gets overly excited and repeats himself when he catches a fish. Some people know JaimeAstin as a resourceful individual who will create or fix just about anything by never turning down an opportunity for DIY. Quite a few people know JaimeAstin as the “GoTo” guy due to his savory skills as a programmer, solution provider, and true to the core IT Guy. Forget calling Saul, call Mr. Banks.

“Oh my goodness!… Did you just see that, did you just see that?! Oh man… … … We lost it, Dang!” – JaimeAstin, Fishing Again YouTube Channel

JaimeAstin.com is a place that brings all of the many networks of JaimeAstin to one place. Please explore and get to know JaimeAstin. If your curiosity is peaked enough to inquire about opportunities around fishing, sponsorship, employment, or anything else, do not hesitate to contact me.