Welcome. This is the source to find all things Jaimeastin. From YouTube videos and Instagram photos, to detailed how-to instructions, product reviews, and giveaways. I will also provide exclusive content that you will not find on my social media outlets. I will also barter, trade and sell items from my collection or my sponsors directly to my fans. Fans and subscribers who like what I do are most appreciated. I will post photos of who I meet and fish with.
Thanks for visiting and please contact me with requests or feedback.
Order Status Update as of July 2024
We are again taking orders for Bree-Box and NavLite. Sorry for any inconvenience. I have been having issues that kept me away from this side project. I have added to more people to help with communcation and order fulfillment. If anyone has any questions or feedback, please use the contact form. If you have my phone number from previous orders, please call me for any issues. Thank you! — JaimeAstin