Hummingbird and Lowrance Networking

Hummingbird and Lowrance both have fish finders and ethernet network hubs. If you ask any hummingbird and minkotta fishing what one of the biggest cost of running the Talons, Fish Finders, trolling mothers and more was, they will tell you it was the networking. It is very expensive to network these devices. If you are doing it yourself, that is one thing, jus the cost of the overpriced cables. If you are having a shop do it, $$$!

Garmin customers have had the pleasure to have my alternative. The cost savings for using the Bree-Z Box are at the very least $150. My support is guaranteed and the kit just works! Hummingbird and lowrance users were left out of the live imaging game until Garmin licensed the technology to them. That is at a very steep cost thought, no Lowrance or Hummingbird unit costs less that 1K that supports live imaging. Once you add the live imaging kit ($1500), you are still left with now paying HUNDREDS of dollars to network them together… Some Lowrance and Hummingbird users just purchase a Garmin fishfinder and Livescope ($2200+) and go one, but why do that? What if you could save one the final step, the networking?

I am now selling the Bree-Z Box kit with full compatibility for Lowrance and hummingbird and Minnkota networking. Unfortunately for now, it will not start at $150 like it is for Garmin users. It will start at $260. Why the cost increase? Lowrance and Hummingbird uses proprietary network terminations… Garmin uses the good old RJ45. Just like apple, proprietary hardware will always cost more with very little benefit. Thing is, at 260, it is still a cost savings of at least $150+ instead of paying them…

Compare Retail Price Package to my Bree-Z Box Kit

Lowrance Network Hub is $292 alone.

Just what I said, at least $150 in savings!!!

Hummingbird’s Network Hub is $275 alone.

Additional Cable For second fish finder.

For hummingbird, it the same savings of at least $150 as well!

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